Title: Filmbots
Summary: Can't afford real actors? Use fake ones!
Author: Whirlwind
Submitted By: Kenko
Date Submitted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:29 am
Description: Records your movements, then has a bot play them back. You can record multiple bots in a single scene!


  • /filmScene (/fbf) - Begins filming to the next available spot. Caution: It does not record movements perfectly, so do not always expect your bot to end up in the same place you do.
  • /playScene [range] or "all" or last (/fbp) - Plays back specified scenes.
  • /endScene [number optional] (/fbe) - Ends filming and playbacks. Leave blank to end all playbacks.
  • /filmWithScene [range] or "all" or last (/fbw) - Simultaneously begins filming and playback of specified scenes. Useful for knowing the position of other filmbots.
  • /listScene (/fbl) - Lists all recorded scenes and their times.
  • /deleteScene [range] or "all" or last (/fbd) - Deletes specified scenes.
  • /damageScene (/fbds) - Toggles whether filmbots can be damaged.

[Range] specifies the range using , and - (no spaces)
'/playscene 1' will play scene 1
'/playscene 2,3' will play scenes 2 and 3
'/playscene 2-4' will play scenes 2 3 and 4
'/playscene 1,3-5,7' will play scenes 1 3 4 5 and 7
'/playscene -4' will play all scenes from 1 to 4
'/playscene 5-' will play all scenes from 5 to your highest film
'/playscene -' will play all scenes
'/playscene all' will play all scenes

I (kenko) have got this add-on mostly working, but there are remaining issues:

  • bots can't jet
  • bots cant turn their head
  • bots can't steer vehicles properly at all

these same issues also exist in the fixed bot_hole add-on I uploaded earlier, and most of these fixes are the same ones I made on that.
despite these issues though I still see this as being a big help to those wanting to film videos in b4v21. let me know if anything else is broken!


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20
Version: v1
Filesize: 6.79 kB
Total Downloads: 10
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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