Title: Bug Mod 1
Summary: Five AI bugs that come to kill you!
Author: ArmyUnit, Blockoman, DarkStar, Lordician
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:53 am
Description: Features:

Bug: It's slow, weak, and has a wimpy attack. What more could you want!?
This bug does have some up-sides though, it's quite small, making it hard to see and hit, and it can fit in tunnels just
two bricks wide and one brick tall. They can also be quite deadly in large groups.

Mite: A group of these will eat you alive if you've got the wrong weapons. They are similar to the bugs, but have more health, and are way faster.

Spider: It's a giant spider, what more do I have to say? They are big and fast. If one gets at you, you'll most like die. Keep you shotguns ready, people!

Scorpion: Right now it's like a super charged spider, only slower. Don't worry, this will be changed.. :P

Worm: This is a more unique AI. Rather then crouching, it borrows, making it difficult to notice (only it's top spines are above ground). Also, it has very very high health. It's only real downside is, it is very slow, and only a tiny bit faster when burrowed.

All bugs will spawn as their default color, unless "Recolor Vehicle" is enabled on their spawn brick, or if they are controlled by a player, then they will be the body color of your avatar.

Full credits:

-Army Unit - modeler, animator, scripter, admin

-Blockoman - Producer, beta tester

-Linkuto2121 - early beta tester

-Random Ram - early beta tester, hoster

-Krystal - early beta tester

-DarkStar - Modeler, Animator

-raptor360 - Beta tester

-lordician - Lead Scripter, Beta tester, Recolor script

-Kevin - Beta tester

-bithead9 - Beta tester

V4 will include poison attacks, and possibly better AI.

For info on upcoming BugMods (and many other things) go here:


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v3 (View Changes)
Filesize: 511.11 kB
Total Downloads: 18
Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)  1 Rating

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