Title: 40k Weapons - Imperial Guard
Summary: A pack of Imperial weapons from 40k
Author: Tingalz
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:13 pm
Description: This is a pack of just a couple weapons from the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The weapons it includes are:

Boltgun - The rapid fire armor piercing high explosive tank shell gun of death many of you may know of.
Bolt pistol - Smaller and more compact version of the boltgun. Can perform headshots, but does less damage normally and shoots slower than a boltgun.
Storm Bolter - What happens when you take two boltguns and smash them together, meaning it has an ever higher rate of fire. What's not to like?
Lasgun - Can do extreme damage to exposed to flesh, but is nearly useless alone against the enemies of the 41st millennium. That's why they come in numbers.
Laspistol - Smaller version of the lasgun, favored by officers. Does just as much damage but is less accurate.
Autogun/Autopistol - Resembling 20th century firearms, they fire more shots than a lasgun but do less damage and use more ammo.
Long-Las - It's a sniper lasgun, and it functions just like a sniper would.
Flamer - Sprays a tide of burning promethium onto the battlefield. In other words, it's a flamethrower.
Heavy Flamer - A much rarer, bigger, and scarier version of the regular flamer.
Grenade Launcher - Not much to say about this one, other than it launches grenades.
Meltagun - Fires a beam of super-hot air that will turn most targets into a bubbling mess. Use this to take down vehicles. Very inaccurate.
Plasma Gun - Shoots bolts of plasma that will kill mostly anything in a couple hits. The catch is that if you hold down fire or try to shoot again too soon, it will explode right in your hands, so be careful when using.
Plasma Pistol - Smaller plasma gun. Less innacurate. Can still explode.
Hot-shot Lasgun - Pretty powerful lasgun used by elite storm trooper units. Fires twice as fast as the lasgun but has shorter range.
Hot-shot Laspistol - Doesn't fire as fast as the hot-shot lasgun, but does twice as much damage. More inaccurate than the hot-shot lasgun.
Chainsword - Like a sword, only it's a chainsaw. Possibly the manliest melee weapon invented.
Power Sword - A sword with a powerful energy field that rips apart anything it touches.
Power Fist - A giant steel fist that will blow anything you punch with it to chunks. I was kidding earlier, this is actually the manliest melee weapon.
Heavy Bolter - Take the boltgun and make it bigger and fire faster. Yeah.
Autocannon - It's a rapid firing tank cannon that will destroy infantry and armor alike.
Lascannon - It's a giant one-shot-kill laser cannon. Not all las-weapons are weak.
Missile Launcher - Your basic missile launcher, not really much to say.
Mortar - Fires shots high into the air which come crashing down onto the enemy later.

Includes custom CI and Item icons along with some particle effects.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v5 (View Changes)
Filesize: 3.08 MB
Total Downloads: 30
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