Title: Variable Replacers
Summary: More variables that you know what to do with
Author: Boom
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:47 pm
Description: Description: Shit-ton of variable replacers
RTB Prefs: None
- Over 40 variable replacers!

Remaining add-on from my "Spring Break Madness" event.

Full List of Variable Replacers:

<var:pl:rHealth> Player's rounded health
<var:pl:rEnergy> Player's rounded energy
<var:pl:yaw> Player's yaw/rotation/azimuth (Left-Right)
<var:pl:pitch> Player's pitch (Up-Down)
<var:pl:pos> Player's position
<var:pl:posx> Player's position on the x axis
<var:pl:posy> Player's position on the y axis
<var:pl:posz> Player's position on the z axis
<var:pl:state> Player's state
<var:pl:isPassenger> boolean for if the player is mounted
<var:pl:isDriver> boolean for if the player is driving
<var:pl:altFire> boolean for if the player is using alternative fire
<var:pl:veHealth> Player's vehicle's health
<var:pl:veDamage> Player's vehicle's damage
<var:pl:veMaxHealth> Player's vehicle's max health
<var:pl:veDatablock> Player's vehicle's datablock (UI Name; like "Jeep")
<var:pl:weDamage> Player's weapon's direct damage
<var:pl:weRadiusDamage> Player's weapon's radius damage
<var:pl:weDamageRadius> Player's weapon's damage radius
<var:pl:weSpeed> Player's weapon's bullet speed
<var:pl:weArc> Player's weapon's bullet arc
<var:br:pos> Brick's position
<var:br:posx> Brick's position on the x axis
<var:br:posy> Brick's position on the y axis
<var:br:posz> Brick's position on the z axis
<var:br:type> Brick's type (Flat, Special, Basplate, etc)
<var:ve:speed> Vehicle's speed
<var:ve:velx> Vehicle speed in the x direction
<var:ve:vely> Vehicle speed in the y direction
<var:ve:velz> Vehicle speed in the z direction
<var:ve:pos> Vehicle's position
<var:ve:posx> Vehicle's position on the x axis
<var:ve:posy> Vehicle's position on the y axis
<var:ve:posz> Vehicle's position on the z axis
<var:ve:yaw> Vehicle's yaw/rotation/azimuth (Left-Right)
<var:ve:pitch> Vehicle's pitch (Up-Down)
<var:ve:trigger> Boolean for if the vehicle is being triggered (E-Brake)
<var:gl:pi> Pi, nuff said
<var:gl:simScond> Simtime in seconds
<var:gl:simMinute> Simtime in minutes
<var:gl:simHour> Simtime in hours


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 1.59 kB
Total Downloads: 14
Rating: 5 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 5 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 5 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 5 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 5 (1 rating submitted)  1 Rating

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