Title: Jetpack Tool
Summary: A more realistic option for flying around.
Author: Daenth, Demian, McTwist, Moppy, the real
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sat May 11, 2013 2:34 pm
Description: A jetpack item that mounts to your back replacing your feet jets. These are obviously useless without a minigame/evented game that uses a no-jet playertype.

NOTICE: The default No-Jet player recharges the fuel allowing players to cheat by simply remounting the jetpack. This add-on comes with No-Jet Recharge Player which is exactly like the default No-Jet player but it doesn't recharge the fuel. You basically have to use this playertype if you want to use the jetpacks in minigame or similar.

Comes with a Lego styled jetpack and a modern looking jetpack both of which are otherwise identical apart from the model. The jetpacks use fuel (player energy in scripts) and when it runs out you cannot jet anymore.

The Jetpack Gas item is used by walking over the item. It will fully recharge your fuel automatically, it will not go into your inventory.

Two RTB prefs are added to your control panel: Jetpack Fuel and Use Fuel. If you uncheck Use Fuel the jetpacks will no longer use fuel and you can fly with them infinitely. By default the Jetpack Fuel amount is set to 100, it will last for about 32 seconds of constant jetting.

This tool is a joint effort of several people. The original idea was posted by Lord Tony, Demian was the project manager, did the datablocks and tweaked everything, Moppy made the original scripts for mounting/unmounting models to the player, Daenth was the lead scripter and did the scripts for the jets and emitters, McTwist and Port made the original script for recharging player health when walking over items. For a more detailed breakdown of what everyone did see the script files. Parts of them are well commented.

Currently there are two bugs with this add-on. Both are simply visual and do not affect gameplay. I have no clue why these happen or how to fix them.
  • Sometimes the jetpack emitter goes towards the player body instead of downwards.
  • You can spam click the jet button when you have ran out of fuel and the right jet will produce a flame but no thrust is applied.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 51.78 kB
Total Downloads: 13
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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