Title: Respawn Wand
Summary: Respawn players, vehicles, and even bricks killed by events and weapons.
Author: Chrono
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:14 am
Description: The respawn wand has multiple uses, for inside and outside of minigames.
Comes in item form and /RespawnWand
(/RespawnWand only available to those outside of minigames or super admins)

Outside of minigames, you can:
Respawn full trusted vehicles, in case they're in the way!
Respawn large groups of bricks that you fakekilled with events.
Or if you're an admin, and some player happens to be in the way while dealing with their real life cat, you can tap them with this and poot they're all the way back at their spawn.
(If there's a player not in the same minigame as you, you can also use this to get rid of them. If they're in the same minigame and are blocking the way in some form, you can then use /RespawnWand and that will allow you to respawn players that are in the same minigame)

Inside of minigames, you can repair bricks that you or other players have broken with weapons or events. This will not be instant like it is when you're out of a minigame. It will be even slower if you're further away from the bricks. (at an exponentially declining rate (huge decrease))
This add-on also allows you to set brick respawn time (in minigame settings) and fakeKillBrick (in events) to 999 seconds. This is 16 minutes and 39 seconds. (It would be too hacky to make it infinite, or any higher than 999 seconds)
All bricks in the minigame will also be respawned when the minigame is reset.

This add-on also introduces another input event, onResetRespawn, which is called when a brick gets respawned due to the minigame restarting. (Only allows self and named brick as a target)


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v2
Filesize: 4.55 kB
Total Downloads: 18
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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