Title: MKI Machine Rifle
Summary: "Here come the Buffalo!"
Author: Takato14, extrude
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:38 am
Description: "We were fighting them blockheads up at Devils' Ramp, when all the sudden, a short stocky fella' came down from the trees! He had some odd contraption, with a large round holding tank on it, a few of our men shifted to fire on him, and when he fired, not one, but many bullets were showered upon us! We had heard of the Gatling Cannon at the time, but nothing near this power!"
- General Undulo

In 1861, at the early start of the ACM City Civil War, Buffalo hunters down in the Kitchen started using a new type of rifle.
Automatic Rifles.
The first Automatic Rifle to be introduced into the world, was the Mark I Machine Rifle, or more commonly referred to as, the MKI. It was adopted into the battlefield by General A. P. Cube, and became the most common weapon of the Union of the Ramp, leading to the defeat of the Confederates of the Round Brick Castle.

Extra credits, it wasn't only me who made this!
Takato14 - Many scripting tips, and creating this wonderful script himself, cheers Tak!
Moonwalker - Well, thats me, but 'he' was the one who created the model for this weapon.

WARNING : Spartan101 is claiming to be the primary beta-tester, that is NOT true.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 213.70 kB
Total Downloads: 8
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