Title: Plate 3 Edits
Summary: More Plate 3 maps that are quite useful.
Author: Zloff
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:40 pm
Description: So I got the new Plate 3 map pack awhile ago, and I was really happy with the variety. But after a few days, I thought that the pack was missing a few types of maps, such as a sunrise and sunset. So, I created these! This pack of edits includes Plate 3 - Dusk, Dawn, Bricks, Alien, and Snowstorm. More information on the individual maps:

Dawn - The sun hovers slightly above the horizon in the the East. The lighting is a dull yellow-orange. The sky goes from yellow on the horizon to a deep blue above you.

Dusk - The sun floats just barely over the horizon to the West. The lighting is a dull orange. The sky goes from orange-yellow on the horizon to an orange-red above you.

Bricks - With this map, you are basically trapped inside what looks like a 4X4X2 box.

Alien - The sun is a white dwarf star with a blue tint and the grass is blue. The sky goes from white on the horizon to green above you. There are few clouds.

Snowstorm - The moon and stars are out, which you can see behind the clouds. A lot of snow is flying down with the hard winds. Happy holidays!

Sorry, I still can't upload pictures. The pictures won't load past 99% for some reason... I would say "I guarantee that you will be satisfied with at least 4/5 of these maps", but everyone has different tastes in maps. I also plan on adding more maps later. Thanks for looking!

File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v3
Filesize: 2.21 MB
Total Downloads: 4
Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)  1 Rating

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