Title: Elemental Spellpack
Summary: A pack of elemental spells for all of your magical needs.
Author: Amadé, Clockturn, Lilboarder
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:06 pm
Description: This is a pack of elemental spells. It includes 8 spells as well as a magician playertype that has an MP bar which decreases as spells are used. Included are the following spells:

Alternate abilities are used by pressing the jet button while using a Magician playertype.
A beam falls from the sky and explodes when it hits the ground.
While the Light spell is equipped, the user cannot be blinded.
Alternate: Players near the caster are healed.
A ball of pure evil will blind any player in its path for five seconds.
Alternate: The caster and victim switch places and the victim is blinded.
A small, mobile inferno that melts ice and will set any player in its path on fire, causing them to take damage over time.
While this spell is equipped, the user cannot be frozen.
Alternate: The caster is set on fire, allowing them to damage and ignite other players by touching them.
A ball of ice that can create platforms and freeze players in their tracks.
Alternate: All players near the caster are frozen.
A ball of electricity with a moderate damage radius.
If a player is damage by lightning while in water, the damage is boosted significantly.
Alternate: Lightning strikes the caster, killing them and anyone nearby.
A rapid-fire waterball launching spell that can put out fire.
While this spell is equipped, the user cannot be set on fire.
Alternate: A wave of water is launched from the caster's hand.
A huge stone spike erupts from the ground, flinging anyone nearby skyward.
While this spell is equipped, the caster is shielded from 25% of damage.
An air current flings the caster backwards and anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it forwards.
While this spell is equipped, the caster can double-jump.
Alternate: Anyone near the caster not in the air is smashed into the ground by a tremendous air current.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v3 (View Changes)
Filesize: 711.26 kB
Total Downloads: 20
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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