Title: Scientific Unit Print Letters
Summary: 43 popular units used in physics, mathematics, and chemistry as a single print to save space.
Author: Demian
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:22 pm
Description: Some common units used in physics, mathematics, and chemistry. These are mostly SI units but I put in a few imperial ones because I've personally used them more than once.

    A | Ampere (electric current, base, Q/t)
    AU | Astronomical unit (average EarthSun distance)
    bar | Bar (pressure)
    Bq | Becquerel (radioactivity, technically 1/s)
    c | Celsius (temperature)
    C | Coulomb (charge, Q)
    eV | Electron volt
    Hz | Hertz (frequency, technically 1/s)
    J | Joule (energy)
    K | Kelvin (temperature, base)
    kg | Kilogram (mass, base)
    g | Gram (mass)
    mg | Milligram (mass)
    kpc | Kiloparsec (astronomy distance unit, 2e108 AU)
    pc | Parsec (astronomy distance unit, 206e103 AU)
    km | Kilometer (distance)
    m | Meter (distance, base)
    cm | Centimeter (distance)
    nm | Nanometer (distance)
    km | Square kilometers (area)
    m | Square meters (area)
    m | Cubic meter
    km/h | Kilometers per hour (velocity)
    km/s | Kilometers per second (velocity)
    m/s | Meters per second (velocity)
    m/s | Meters per second square (acceleration)
    kPa | Kilopascal (pressure)
    Pa | Pascal (pressure)
    L | Liter (volume)
    mL | Milliliter (volume)
    mol | Mole (amount of substance, base, technically 1/1)
    mph | Miles per hour (velocity)
    N | Newton (force)
    rad/s | Radians per second (angular velocity, technically 1/s)
    rad | Radian (angle, technically 1/1)
    a | Year (time)
    d | Day (time)
    h | Hour (time)
    min | Minute (time)
    s | Second (time, base)
    ms | Millisecond
    W | Watt (rate of energy, J/s)
    V | Volt (electric potential)


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