Title: Pass's Spell Pack Edition 1
Summary: Firethrow, Ice Blast, and Acidic Touch; all new spells!
Author: Pass
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:43 am
Description: Pass's Spell Pack, Edition One

Okay, so prior to my previous add-on, the Paralysis Staff, I decided to make a duel-handed spell pack.

    Three nifty spells, Firethrow, Ice Blast, and Acidic Touch.
    Spells shoot both hands if you click repeatedly enough.
    While selecting the item, all items are arranged with the prefix "PassSpells".
    While picking up the item, the model is a scroll, which I found in this old spellpack on my computer, I think Zack0Wack0 made it, last I remember.
    Firethrow and Acidic Touch each have an afterburn effect, lasting for 4 seconds. Firethrow has 5 DPS (damage per second) and Acidic touch has less direct damage (10) but more after burn (9 DPS)
    Ice Blast shakes your screen a bit more than normal, for a shivering effet.

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File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 15.07 kB
Total Downloads: 16
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