Title: Small Office
Summary: Build in a life-size office!
Author: Mega Bear
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:28 pm
Description: Small Office is a room with many fun things to do. You can build stuff inside a dresser, hang around by the computer, get down to your roots by the potted plant--the activities go on! The map features a secret room, and the windows have been left open by the owner of this personal study for some air, meaning you can go outside if you'd like. All the textures (except for the computer screen and keyboard) are default, having either been taken from Bedroom or Kitchen.

Known glitches:
On the desk, one of the faces are invisible but still has collision. This is unfixable, but the face itself is very minor and shouldn't prove to be an issue.

There are no other glitches!


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 2.13 MB
Total Downloads: 19
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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