Title: Doom Blades
Summary: Fires deadly bouncing saw blades.
Author: Takato14
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:57 pm
Description: The Doom Blades is a weapon that comes from the popular game series, Ratchet and Clank. This particular weapon is from Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. I made this to be as much like the real thing as possible (without making it so Hi-Poly that it lags like crazy.) This weapon has custom Sounds, CI, a UI icon, and a custom projectile. This weapon fires large saw blades at a high velocity which scatter and bounce all over the place. Enjoy!

DANGER: Not recommended for enclosed spaces such as closets, bathrooms, or microwaves. I'd tell you to wear saftey glasses when using this weapon but its not gonna do you much good.

**DISCLAIMER** We here at Tak Mods supply this weapon to you for the purpose of your choice. We are in no way responsible for any damage that may occur to you, your belongings, or any kind of colatteral damage. Use this weapon at your own risk.

Please do not bother me about the sounds. I will redo them soon, the current ones are just until I can find better ones.

NOTE FOR MODERATORS: I didnt change the screenshots because nothing in the weapon has visually changed, it was all script adjustments.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v3 (View Changes)
Filesize: 137.02 kB
Total Downloads: 11
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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