Title: Demian's Slope Edits
Summary: Various Slope edits by Demian.
Author: Demian
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:14 pm
Description: Finally I released these. It took me quite a while to do so. The maps have been ready for release for weeks, but me being a lazy, I haven't done it until today. I must admit that I did a couple of last minute fixes, but now I'm happy with them. Anyway, shall I introduce you to the maps now?

The Slopes - Dark
Yes, I know. The screenshot isn't that good, but there isn't much to see anyway. It's so dark and you can barely see in front of you. This is just a simple Slope edit, it's identical to the original in every way, but it's dark.

Doomsday Slopes
Feeling a bit hot in there? A very barren and cruel looking Slopes with a fancy skybox and lava texture. I must have spent hours texturing and retexturing the lake. I think I redid it three times. It in fact has three layers of the textures, which I by the way did myself and I consider them one of my best textures ever, neatly blended. Sadly, Blockland always makes textures looks a bit crappy. They look much better when viewed individually. Also, the terrain is identical to The Slopes.

Doomsday Slopes - Flooded
Not much to say here, it's Doomsday Slopes with raised lava and slightly edited terrain (Below lava).

Summer Slopes
Ahh, the main reason I started on all of these maps. I started this map ages ago. As lazy as I am, never finished it. But here it is, fully textured and neatly finished. This is definitely my best texturing ever. I literally spent over four hours texturing this. I also redid it once, started from scratch. It has the default Sky Blue 2 skybox, neat fog and water texture. Personally, I love the grass texture. The stone texture is also nice. As always, the terrain is identical to The Slopes. I hope you like it!

Summer Slopes - Flood
Same as above but with raised water level and edited terrain under water. That's pretty much it.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 6.08 MB
Total Downloads: 9
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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