Title: Demian's Slate Edits
Summary: Total of 25 Slate edits made by Demian, Mocheeze and Astro.
Author: Astro, Demian, Mocheeze
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:03 pm
Description: Here it finally is! Demian's Slate Edits! I've been making this map pack for ages, now I have finally finished it. I hope you like it. Currently it has 25 maps, of which two I have ported.

Celestial Dreams
Author: Mocheeze, ported by me
One of my favourite Slate maps. I loved this map ever since I first played it in v1.045 so I decided to port it. I optimized it a tiny bit, the clouds and stars moved way too fast for my taste, so I slowed them down a little bit.

Construct - Black
Simple Construct edit. Good for taking screenshots of objects to be rendered. E.g. Blockhead.

Construct - Blue
Fancy bluescreen for the movie makers. The map is completely pure blue, just like a real bluescreen.Simple Construct edit. Good for taking screenshots of objects to be rendered. E.g. Blockhead.

Construct - Green (Former "Greenscreen")
Fancy greenscreen for the movie makers. The map is completely pure green, just like a real greenscreen. It's a simple Construct edit. Good for taking screenshots of objects to be rendered. E.g. Blockhead.

Construct - Rainbow
Ever wanted to live inside a rainbow sphere? Now you can.

Construct - Rainbow Inverted
Same as above, except the colors flipped vertically so red is at the bottom.

Construct - White
Before you start whining, this is not the default Construct. The default Construct has a slightly yellow tint to the lighting, this one doesn't. Construct - White has the default lighting found in many maps e.g. Bedroom.

Digital Designer
Author: Astro, ported by me
Another classic from v1.045. Simple grayscale map. It little different than the other Slate edits you see.

Slate Desert 2
My first and somewhat popular Slate edit. I might make a third version of this map. Maybe later.

Slate Desert 3
Similar to Slate Desert 2, but with all new and fancy sand texture.

Slate Desert 3 - Dark
Night version of the Slate Desert 3.

Slate Desert 4
Same as Slate Desert 3, but with fancy custom skybox.

Slate Doomsday
Welcome to the end of the Slate.. Neat skybox with a cool texture equals epicness.

Slate Fields 2
My favourite Slate map without a doubt. Nice, simple and seamless grass texture and default Sky Blue 2. What more could you wish?

Slate Fields 2 - Dark
Dark version of Slate Fields 2.

Slate Fields 3
Same as Slate Fields 2, but with fancy custom skybox.

Slate Fields 4
Same as Slate Fields 2, but with all new grass texture.

Slate Ground
Slate with a muddy/soily ground.

Slate Lava
Is it just me or is hot in here? No skybox, only a black sky and lava as far as the eye can see. The lava has a marvelous script made my McTwist (9845), touch and your done for. Unless you have an invincible playertype (For example, the one I made.) Also the lava has a neat CI I made. There are couple of white pixels around the CI, but there's nothing I can do for it. Blockland has the habit of adding annyoing white pixels everywhere. Also there is this minor bug that McTwist was unable to fix. When you touch the lava at a very very slow speed you get "mid-air'd" by yourself.

Slate Nobluam
So many people have asked me what's the different between this and normal Slate. Now let me make this clear. It's nothing significant, it's exactly the same as normal Slate, but it does not have that blue ambient/tint. Now please stop asking. (No blue ambient)

Slate Ocean
A nice ocean with a default skybox (Sky Blue 2). The water is the exact height of a 32x cube.

Slate Sky
Good for the terrain, city, RP or similar builds. Has only default "Sky Blue 2" skybox, ground is white and textureless. So loading the map should not take long.

Slate Snow
Nice and simple snow Slate with falling snow effect. Uses The Slopes's skybox and custom snow texture.

Slate Snow NP
Identical to above, but without the falling snow.

Slate Stars
Simplest space Slate ever. Starry skybox and normal lighting. Note: It isn't dark, it has normal lighting.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v8 (View Changes)
Filesize: 5.38 MB
Total Downloads: 11
Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)  1 Rating

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