Title: Swiss Army Gun
Summary: A gun that can do just about anything you need.
Author: Amadé, Zor
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:38 am
Description: The Swiss Army Gun is a tool that appears to be a sky-blue gun. It has features that will come in helpful in nearly all situations. It has a long range, so you will no longer need to worry about flying all over the place to get the job done!

Included Features

SAG themes - Allows you to set a "theme" for the tool. Included are the following:
Wand: The classic Swiss Army Gun.
Fire: A red Swiss Army Gun that uses the destructo wand effects.
Bazooka: The Swiss Army Bazooka behaves as the Rocket Launcher weapon.
Gun: Behaves like the Gun weapon.

/SAG command - gives your player a Swiss Army Gun. Enter an argument (for example, /SAG hammer) and you will instantly fire a Swiss Army Gun ray, whether or not you're holding the gun. Enter a third argument to mount the gun as well.

/SAGmode command - Lets you set the mode your Swiss Army Gun is using.

/SAGhelp command - Lists all (properly registered) modes that the server is using. Entering an argument (such as /SAGhelp on or off) will toggle help messages.

You can use your Toggle Light key to switch through modes while holding the gun.

Included Modes

Wand - Automatically emulates the destructo wand if used by an Admin.
Fillcan - emulates the fillcan. Requires you have the fillcan installed and enabled.
Delete - Deletes the hit brick, without the possibility of causing a chain reaction.
PrintFill - Works like the fillcan, except with prints.
Nuke - Kills the hit brick, as well as any bricks unlucky enough to be attached to it. Non-admins can only use this on their own bricks.
Bomb - Kills the hit brick as well as other nearby bricks. Not quite as destructive as the nuke. Non-admins can only use this on their own bricks.
Copy - Lets you copy the hit brick. Like the duplicator, but only one brick at a time.
Move - Lets you move the hit brick to another location. Cancelling the move will return the brick to its normal position.

File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v3 (View Changes)
Filesize: 9.87 kB
Total Downloads: 6
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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