Title: Instagib Player
Summary: Hey! Gimme back my legbone!
Author: Bushido, Vidios
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:54 am
Description: Don'tcha hate how bullets take so long to kill people, and when they do kill people, it doesn't make them explode in gore or burst into flames or anything?

Don'tcha wish you could make a minigame where if you get shot by a gun, you didn't just die, your corpse burst into flames and exploded in gore?

Well, sadly, Bushico is not exactly some kinda supernatural force with ultimate power over fire. You'll have to go to Pyro International for that. Stupid gas-mask wearing freaks. Always ruining our plans.

What we CAN provide you with however, with our somewhat limited power over playertype datablocks, is the Instagib Playertype- This biological marvel will not only die instantly on contact with any form of ballistic projectile, it will also gib into glorious, bloody, gory... gore! Look! There goes a spine! And a legbone!

Wait, we have legbones?


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 36.12 kB
Total Downloads: 7
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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