Title: Duplorcator
Summary: Copy, move and save builds.
Author: Plornt
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:45 pm
Description: I have remade the duplicator. This one adds one new feature, and changes the theme of the original duplicator just to be different!
Problems with the old duplicator:
    Did not plant water bricks correctly.
    Did not plant print bricks correctly.
    Error spam, everywhere
This duplicator fixes all of those errors, with no error spam. Therefore making this duplicator faster and more reliable to not crash the server.
    Preferences to change
    Duplicates events.
    Rotates events.
    Client duplications can be uploaded to the server.
    /Duplorcator, /Dup, and /duplicator will work if the original duplicator is not on the server.
    Fully compatible with the other duplicator, so you can have both if you really wanted to.
    Allows saving and loading of duplications
    Admin Only
    Max Bricks (Admins)
    Max Bricks (Non-Admins)
    Selecting Timeout (Admin)
    Selecting Timeout (Non-Admins)
    Planting Timeout (Admins)
    Planting Timeout (Non-Admins)
    Max Flood Bypass, this determines how many bricks a duplication can be to ignore the flood protection.
    Rotate Events
    Trust Level Required to duplicate
    Max Ghost Bricks, this pref determines how many bricks should be ghosted when you select a duplication.
    Quick Ghost Bricks, this determines how many ghost bricks should move instantly when you move your brick, any duplication with more ghost bricks will have a slight delay to prevent lag.
    Admin Only load
    Admin Only save
    Client duplication uploading- Who can upload duplications
    Can load Blockland saves- Can we /loaddup on normal Blockland saves ie: /loaddup Pong
    Completely changed the duplicator duplication system.
    Added a few new preferences
    Completely remade loaddup and savedup. They now save in the Blockland saves folder
    Speed boost
    Now work with public bricks
    Client duplication uploading, you can now load any save/duplication from your Blockland save folder
    Added /clientload SAVE command so you can client upload your duplication
    Added /cancelLoad to cancel your client upload. Both of those commands are client sided, if something happens and the server does not have the duplicator this command will work to stop it.
    Added /reloaddup to reload the duplication you just uploaded


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v4 (View Changes)
Filesize: 11.06 kB
Total Downloads: 20
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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