Title: trussive's Bedroom
Summary: sleep land
Author: trussive
Submitted By: Absurd Bartholomew
Date Submitted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:39 pm
Description: Welcome to my apartment! Or, rather, the upstairs portion of my apartment.

Made in early 2019. There was a few updates, but they are lost along with the Torque Constructor file.

Fun fact: My neighbors used to smoke pot.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1.0.0
Filesize: 1.36 MB
Total Downloads: 51
Rating: 3 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 3 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 3 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 3 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 3 (1 rating submitted)  1 Rating

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