Title: Update Tags
Summary: No more rejoining needed to change clan tags.
Author: Flaw
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:28 am
Description: Are you annoyed by the fact that you have to rejoin a server to 'refresh' your clan tags? No more! With this add-on, a fancy button is nicely integrated into your Avatar GUI, next to the done button. Click it, and your clan tags are retransmitted to the server. Please note, the server will also have to have the add-on in order for this add-on. If the server doesn't have the add-on, you get a fancy message box when you press the "Update Tags" button.

File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v1
Filesize: 1.33 kB
Total Downloads: 0
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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