Title: Class Management System
Summary: Good for making class based (T)DMs.
Author: DrenDran
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:12 am
Description: This mod allows is mostly for those servers where there is a battle of some sort and players get to choose classes with certain weapons. This helps create and manage those classes.

There is an RTB Pref for changing how many times you can change class in a single life, the default is just once. The host can type into the console "saveclasses();" to save classes, and "loadclasses();" to load the classes that they saved, this might be replaced with a better system, but I'm not sure if I should let everyone save the servers classes or not. (It'd be a bit like bricks that way)

[The slash functions are now obsolete due to the completion of the GUI]


---Lists all the classes you can choose from.
/listclassitems <class_name>
---Lists all the script names for all the items in the class.
/createclass <class_name>
---Super admin only, creates a class.
/removeclass <class_name>
---Super admin only, removes a class.
/setclassweapon <class_name> <slot> <item_name>
---Super admin only, slots are 0,1,2,3,4 only. Use script names for items, not ui names.
/chooseclass <class_name>
---Can only be done once per lifetime for now.
---Super admin only, clears all classes.
/setclassfrominventory <class_name>
---Will attempt to set all five of the given classes weapons to what's in your inventory. (good if you don't know script names)
/setclasspoints <classname> <points> -sets required points, a number less than 1 cancels the requirement
/setclassdatablock <classname> <datablock> -sets the datablock of players using the class, "none" cancels the datablock
/editclass <classname> - opens a gui which lets you pick from drop-down lists all the items of a class, and the player datablock, and the required points.

Examples of what a "script name" of an item is:
RocketLauncherItem --- Default Rocket Launcher
GunItem --- Default Gun
RadioBeaconItem --- Airstrike Beacon
flashgrenadeItem --- Flash Grenade

Features to be added very soon:
---Letting people add descriptions to items that show with /listclassitems or maybe /listclasses
---Letting people set weapons by ui name or script name.
---RTB pref for default slot maximum. (current is 5)
---Any thing else suggested.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v4 (View Changes)
Filesize: 6.52 kB
Total Downloads: 2
Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)Rating: 0 (0 ratings submitted)  0 Ratings

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