Title: Ladios's Slate Edits
Summary: A collection of 16 different slate maps
Author: Ladios
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:59 pm
Description: The point of Blockland is to build, and probably the best map for that would be Slate. The reason is simple, a near-infinant expanse that has no obstructions to let you build to your hearts content. However only being able to build in the cloudy dark void that is the default slate map can be quite boring. The Ladios's Slate Edits pack introduces 16 exciting maps varying from a nice meadow, to the surface of the moon, to a lava covered... lava...thing...
When it comes to finding the right atmosphere and feel to match a build, Ladios's Slate Edits are sure to have you covered.

The 16 maps include:
Slate Astro - Introducing: starry void that lights you from all sides
Slate Christmas - A snowy moonlit forest visited by the famous Santa Claus!
Slate Exodus - A desert after the sun is set, lighted only by the dim north star
Slate Fields - A grassy meadow with lighting perfect for nearly any type of build
Slate Flipped - When the world gets turned upside-down, you get this topsy-turvy map
Slate Inferno - A very hot lava-y expanse of lava
Slate Lunar - The earth is visible in the distance on this astronomical map. Includes scaled earth-moon gravity effect!
Slate Martian - A new addition to the set, the red planet is perfect for any alien build!
Slate Showers - Another new map; a muddy plane perpetually covered by rain clouds
Slate Spooky - To get that perfect creepy feel, a foggy forest lit by a low-hanging moon
Slate Tundra - Set in the middle of... some cold place, this map is for all your icy needs
Slate Twilight - Permanantly suspended minutes before dark, this map is perfect to give your build the dramatic effect only acheived by perfect lighting
Slate Wastelands - In the desert, when the wind picks up, it can get pretty dusty out there

Version 3 will include 3 brand-new maps to replace the removed Slate Desert, Slate Storm, and Slate Sea.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v2
Filesize: 1.76 MB
Total Downloads: 9
Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)Rating: 1 (1 rating submitted)  1 Rating

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