Title: Tier Tactical - Tier 2A
Summary: ... and 2 is too low!
Author: Bushido, Space Guy
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:03 pm
Description: Tier+Tactical is back with a Vengeance!

After a long absence from RTB, Tier+Tactical has finally pulled itself together and is all set for it's grand reappearance! Boasting new models, weapons, updates, and bugfixes, T+T2 is just a taste of what will surely be a great summer of new weapons, vehicles, sounds and scripts to further deepen your Blockland experience. Are you ready to make your masterpiece?

Because Tier+Tactical is.

The Sniper Carbine
The Sniper Carbine is essentially a Military Sniper cut down to be useful at close ranges, hence the name. By using smaller rounds and using a different kind of action, the Sniper Carbine fires quickly, but maintains it's punch; the biggest caveat not an issue of brawn, but an issue of ease-of-use: Because of the way the attached red dot sight works, one must actually aim down the sights (rather then just fire from the hip) to pull off criticals and to get optimum accuracy, and even then you have to fight an uphill battle with the recoil. But, if you can master these mechanics, the Sniper Carbine will be a force to be reckoned with.

Uses 7.08 'Heavy Rifle' rounds.

The Bullpup
Bullpups, and all their bullpuppy brethren, all operate by firing 3 rounds- in quick succession- in a single 'burst' when you pull the trigger. You can still hold it down and fire on what could be called 'automatic', but the idea is that single trigger-bursts will kill enemies in two or three goes, saving on ammo but losing on overall control of fire. This issue can be fixed, of course, by skill and finesse- get good with it, and the Bullpup'll be your best friend!

Uses 5.56 'Little Rifle' rounds.

The Machine Pistol
The Machine Pistol is the perfect sniper sidearm- just like the Pepperbox, it covers large areas with light damage very quickly, but through sheer volume of fire rather then spreading rounds. And also just like the Pepperbox, it keeps back enemies at very close range- pushing them faster as they get closer. What sets it apart from other self-defense sidearms is sheer magazine size: one can literally use a Machine Pistol as a (slightly weaker) SMG in a tight spot, or should their primary weapon be out of ammunition. Much like it's competition, the Magnum, the Machine Pistol stands tall on it's own- but it stands taller with a friend.

Uses 9mm rounds.

The Crossbow
An unorthodox weapon that doesn't care who knows, the Crossbow is a converted civilian hunting tool: but all we really did was make it out of plastic and attach a scope. An artifact from a bygone era, Crossbows hit harder then they ever did, through the power of modern equipment like 'synthetic furniture' and 'composite arms' and 'rubber', but don't let the weapon's sleekness go to your head: this is not an assault weapon. It's a powerful, no-nonsense metal-chucking device. And that's why we love it.

Uses standard steel bolts.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v3 (View Changes)
Filesize: 780.30 kB
Total Downloads: 56
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