Title: Tier Tactical - Tier 1A
Summary: Because 1 ain't enough...
Author: Bushido, Space Guy
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:41 am
Description: Tier+Tactical is back with a Vengeance!

After a long absence from RTB, Tier+Tactical has finally pulled itself together and is all set for it's grand reappearance! Boasting new models, weapons, updates, and bugfixes, T+T2 is just a taste of what will surely be a great summer of new weapons, vehicles, sounds and scripts to further deepen your Blockland experience. Are you ready to make your masterpiece?

Because Tier+Tactical is.

The Single Shotgun
The biggest gap between the Single Shotgun and it's non-single brethren is pretty glaring; it comes with precisely one round. An artifact of a bygone era (where this was OK), it waits silently, patiently for global nuclear war so that it may once again shine in the hands of dynamite-wielding lowlifes and possibly post-apocalyptic mailmen. Until then, the Single Shotgun is a sidearm for the manlierist of men- as it is, indeed, a shotgun you can hold in one hand. Sure, it's not the most powerful shotgun ever, but it reloads quickly and can pepper enemies from a long distance away with very small spread. Plus, you can do something with your other hand, like hold beer or possibly strangle a bird. I would say 'and hold a lady', but it's called a single shotgun for a reason.

Uses 12 gauge buckshot rounds.

The Pepperbox
Ever feel like you're not shooting at people enough every time you pull the trigger? Well, we have guns for that too.

Pepperbox pistols (not a brand, just a moniker) are specially designed to fire multiple, split rounds at a single target. Because of slight miscalculations by the original engineers, however, it instead fires multiple, split rounds at everyone it's even remotely pointed at: cutting 1 ordinary 9mm bullet into 4, spreading much like a shotgun. Also like a shotgun, it's more powerful at close range, but it's also a reliable choice outside throwing distance; as is expected of a sidearm, after all.

Uses 9mm rounds.

The Snubnose
Snubnoses are, without a doubt, the sleeper hits of T+T2. Despite it's sidearm status, the Snubnose maintains a powerful punch- chambered in .880 magnum, it would be hard not to. Not so much a sniper's secondary, but an infantryman's, the Snubnose functions very much like a less-expensive Magnum, but is able to fire at a slightly faster rate; a trait which quickly endeared it to both the battle-hardened and the greenest of the horns. As such, it is an object of adoration- it's "cute" design, along with it's powerful punch, has earned it many fans the world over.

Uses .880 Magnum rounds.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v4 (View Changes)
Filesize: 0.97 MB
Total Downloads: 57
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