Title: TF2 Scout Pack
Summary: Who's the tough guy now, huh tough-guy?
Author: Azerath, Mechanic_Man, Space Guy
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:43 pm
Description: Three weapons based off the Scout class in VALVE's Team Fortress 2.

The Force-A-Nature
Hey, I can see my base from here!
Shooting people with a shotgun. It's just... you know... boring when they fall over. You want a gun with some kick! That's what the Force-A-Nature provides. One shot - they're in the air, nice and ready for another on the way down where you can watch them fly into the distance. You have to reload after firing two shots, of course. But not after putting it down to open a door or shoot something else. That'd just be silly.
- Two shots before reloading
- Instant-hit weapon with spread and tracer bullets
- Knockback on target and shooter

The Aluminium Bat, Double-Jumping Player and Double-Jumping Weak Player
Say goodbye to ya kneecaps, chucklehead!
People just always seem to be able to catch you. Even running at super speed, you try jumping once and they can predict your every move. So, try jumping twice! If you have picked up the Aluminium Bat or happen to be a Double-Jumping Player, you can double-jump in mid air to change directions instantly or just get to higher ledges. Of course, if that gets boring, you can go beat some guy's head in with the bat too.
- Enables double-jump
- Close-range melee weapon
- Bat's double-jump can be disabled by an RTB preference

The Sandman
Some big mean guy with a minigun chasing you, huh? You don't need that. You're quite fragile as it is. Solution: Bring out the Sandman! Not only can you hit your Baseball long distances and stun people for up to five seconds, you can then go take your free cheap shots at them and kill them - you deserve it! If you catch some unobservant guy trying to take cheap headshots at you (now behind him) or your team, you can always serve him up instead of a baseball for fun and entertainment.
- Fire stun baseballs at high speed
- Jet to spin-up bat and instantly kill just about anything in front of you
- Close-range melee weapon

Scripted by Space Guy.
Force-A-Nature, Sandman bat and Baseball model by Azerath.
Aluminium Bat model by Racer.
Ideas and sounds by Valve Software.


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v2
Filesize: 573.82 kB
Total Downloads: 25
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