Title: Cortez
Summary: A car from the 50's
Author: Barnabas
Submitted By: HansonBot
Date Submitted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:36 pm
Description: Introducing the all new Cortez for '57! - Yesterday's Tomorrow's Style - Today!

You are a man who needs a car. But you can't settle for any car, you need the absolute best!
Cortez is the finest automobile for men with a taste for cars. Admire the tasteful chrome trim, the smart 3 tone paintjob, and the performance unmatched by any cars of its class!

Why settle for less? - Get the new Cortez!

Cortez 4-door - The smart choice for the thrifty men!

You want to get an inexpensive, reliable car without looking like a second-class citizen. Portsmouth has your needs covered, with the all new 6 pillared 4-door sedan. Economic to run, with all the conveniences of the Cortez! The ideal car for businessmen and fleet owners!

Cortez Police Package - Law enforcement has never been this smart!

With heavy duty suspension and engines, it is indestructible as proven by numerous law enforcement agencies throughout the country. And to make it a more appealing proposition, we offer you a special fleet discount!

(Credits to Manty for the nice image)


File Information 
Supported Games: Blockland v20, Blockland Rebuilt
Version: v2
Filesize: 189.59 kB
Total Downloads: 21
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