Grapes of Wrath v6 to v6: 
@11/2/2011 ==> Trail particle now works! Hooray!

Grapes of Wrath v6 to v5: 
@9/2/2011 ==> Fixed improper scaling in model.

Grapes of Wrath v6 to v4: 
@8/31/2011 ==> Attempt to fix particle trail emitter issues.
Attempt to fix Explosion Blast particle.
Attempt to fix other bugs by renaming stuff.
Removed hands on the weapon model. (Height will be taller than old version.)

//Sorry for all the recent problems. I suspect there may a problem with the uploading process that removed the emitter.

This is the new code string for the trail emitter. Some things have been renamed in-case of datablocks overwriting eachother.
v v v v v v v v v
Code://bullet trail effects
datablock ParticleData(TCGrapeGTrailParticle)
dragCoefficient = 3;
gravityCoefficient = -0.0;
inheritedVelFactor = 0

Grapes of Wrath v6 to v3: 
@8/29/2011 ==> Projectile UI name changed to "Grape" instead of "Grapes of Wrath Grenade".

Grapes of Wrath v6 to v2: 
Beta (v2) Updated CIs and Icons.

Service revived by the B4v21 Team.
Designed by Vjacheslav Trushkin and modified by RTB.